CFS3’s Cockpits are more ‘representative’ than historically accurate and the quality varies significantly from one aircraft type to the next.
This is a good thing, but unfortunately it seem that’s where the improvements ceased. The 2D cockpit option available in CFS2 has been eliminated and all of CFS3’s cockpits are ‘virtual’. The Cockpit graphics are more controversial.
LE Slats are modeled on every other contemporary World War 2 flight simulation in fact it is even in ‘legacy’ games like Jane’s WW2 Fighters and Rowans Battle of Britain. The only major error I identified on external aircraft graphics is the omission of working leading edge slats on the Bf-109 and ME-262. They look exceptionally realistic when FSAA is implemented, but then you begin to compromise frame rates (and invite virtual 1960’s graphics) unless other graphic parameters are reduced. When I finally got my computer ‘ CFS3 tuned’ I really enjoyed just watching some of these aircraft drone to the target from the exterior view. Not significantly better than other current flight Sims, but overall pretty darn good. The aircraft exterior graphics are what I would call industry standard. Aircraft: The quality of graphics in CFS3 varies from fair to outstanding.