OUTPUT - the filename for the new galaxy map to be generated.If this file is not supplied, Map Surgeon will place all new gates in the galaxy with default coordinates in their sectors (for their cardinal location.) This means they may be placed poorly in relation to the other objects in the sector will need to be checked and adjusted by hand in-game using the Galaxy Editor. (RECOMMENDED) INPUTGATES - the XML Gate Schema that specifies all gate position and orientation coordinates for all sectors in the new map.INPUTNEWSECTORS - an XML file that holds all new sectors and their contents to be added to the galaxy (currently: newsectors.xml).INPUTSCHEMA - the Remap Schema CSV file that specifies what sectors are to be removed (if any), new sectors to be added, and the new coordinates for all map sectors (currently: remap_schema.csv).INPUTMAP - the original galaxy map to be altered (X3 vanilla name: x3universe.xml).Remap.py accepts commandline arguments for 3 Required, plus a 4th optional but Recommended, input files, and the output filename for the new galaxy map. Usage: python remap.py -m INPUTMAP -s INPUTSCHEMA -n INPUTNEWSECTORS -o OUTPUT